Monday, August 10, 2009

Announcing the Yellow Summer Dawn Doll

Boy have I been busy, I hope you haven't missed me too much since our last Dawn Doll!

August is here, hottest time of the year for most of us. Time for melting if you don't have a way to cool off. When I was little the people in our small town of Rockaway quite often gravitated to our little lake, which was really a pond. But of course when you are little it looks like a huge lake.

Our parents would often take us down to this lake to have our little swimming lessons, play in the sand, and eat little pizza's or the grape, orange, lime or cherry ices. We could also be found playing in the little playground or sitting around telling spooky stories about the depths of our lake and the evil seaweed that would might grab your legs and not let go. But for the most part, we paddled around, splashed each other and just had a good time in the cool water. I believe Dawn and I mostly sat in the water, talking and laughing. Ah, the good ole summer days. Back before I renamed it summer daze.

Anyway, this new sweetie of a doll is now available on etsy at our little shop, She has new hair, a more detailed face, and she comes complete with a matching yellow hoodie!

Also here is a preview of some dolls I will have out this month, so keep checking back. Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Our first Etsy Treasury!

I'm so excited, Dawn Dolls was it it's first etsy Treasury!

Thank you to for entering Dawn Doll's into their treasury of etsy artists who donate to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. I've posted a screen capture above, and you can see everyone in the Treasury.

They are:
littlejumpingbeans, sweetpea321, MyMilkMoney, Shop4aCure, FretzFotos, crystalsofhope, alphabulous, livelovebead, fleurdeink and Sakurakitten

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Precious Prairie Pink


As you may or may not know, it's been a long time since Dawn passed away from Cystic Fibrosis. We were little girls, and I didn't understand how important our friendship would be to me. And thanks to the passing of time, and aging, well memories slip.

I don't know why I feel guilty that I didn't remember Dawn's favorite color. Maybe because I am an artist, and we used to draw together, it just seems like I should have remembered. Anyway, I asked her parents, and they reminded me it was pink.

As soon as they did, I had the inspiration for my next doll. Something dreamy. She couldn't actually enjoy running through a field, but somehow it feels right to me that I imagine her doing that. For all of the times she had to stifle just a laugh because it was desperately hard for her to breathe, I want to imagine her on a beautiful spring day like this, laughing and running in a field of flowers.

So I guess that that thought is really why I was inspired to make this precious prairie pink doll. And I think it's time to take my shoes off and go for a walk in the grass, you should too, enjoy yourself.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Her favorite color was pink

Fantastic news! A new doll will be available in my little etsy shop within the next couple of days!

Here is a preview...

I love how this dress came out, it's so cute with the little white dress underneath. You can display the pink "prairie" dress open or closed!

You can display the pink "prairie" dress open or closed!

I was recently reminded how Dawn's favorite color was pink, by asking her parents. Then this dress design just popped into my head. I wanted something dreamy, maybe because it was one of those vague memories/details I feel like I should have remembered.

After fiddling with the pattern and sizes a bit, I think I'm really loving how it came together. The addition of the teeny, tiny buttons (glad I have small hands) and a pink ribbon in her hair, make it just too cute.

I create my own patterns using Adobe Illustrator. I do prototypes to help adjust them, then I sew them up. I learn something new each time, not just about doll creation, but about how I've handled losing a dear friend to Cystic Fibrosis.
Thank you for stopping by to share all of this with me, I hope you enjoy what you see!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Just an update

I've been working on a new illustration, it's coming along extrememly well. It's all sketched out and the composition is finalized. I will be putting the paintbrush to use very soon.

I'm looking into getting prints done of the last portrait, and of any future work. Between online research and testing papers and printers, I may have found a way to get these printed. Now if I could just find a decent place to scan the work...

I am also working on a new doll, I'm so excited. She'll be wearing a pink dress that, if I can get the design right, will have cute little buttons. I'm also conceptualizing a doll for St. Patrick's Day.

So I will have something to show you soon! Thanks for stopping by :)

Monday, February 9, 2009

"Take A Look" - original art

I have so much to say about this, it's tough to find the right starting point...

I have memories, feelings, stories, realizations from my friendship with Dawn. There aren't many, and I struggle to remember them all, be it good, bad, or ugly. I do cherish them all. And it's time for me to share them.

I want to remember the first moment I met her. I don't, sadly. I often wonder how was it that we first came to speak. I try picturing two little girls in a classroom. I try to put myself back into that time, try seeing her across the room ... to no avail.

But I do remember her eyes. Not from that day, or any day in particular. Just in general. I remember her mannerisms, I remember watching her, I must have really looked at her, I still have "photos" of her in my mind when I close my eyes. Still frames of a time long ago.

So I've done my first painting in a long time. It is a portrait of her, well, my memory of her. I'll be honest, it was tough. She had rounded features yet she was so skinny. I have captured her eyes though, maybe not the correct color, but the "look" and the feeling they gave you when you caught her quietly looking at you. The look that made you wonder, what is she thinking? Is she sad? Is she happy right now? Ok, maybe that last part comes from having hindsight. I was a little girl too, and while I had the instinct to wonder what she was thinking, I lacked the knowledge to comprehend.

I have to tell you, if you hang this painting on your wall, the eyes DO follow you. There is emotion in the face and it WILL make you wonder.

Available now at

"Take A Look"
An original acrylic painting by Carolina Lebar
- 8"w x 10"h x 3/4" cradle profile
- light varnish on painting, dark stain on the profile
- signed and ready to hang

Prints of this piece will be available soon.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Her Soft Heart series

Fantastic news! The newest Dawn Doll is up on Etsy. Find her here at

This design is meant to remind us that we have one heart, and one important life to live. Dawn touched everyone she met, and in her simple, special way, reminded us all to cherish everyone and everything.

I have enough supplies to make about 50 or so of this series, so if you see the following doll is not up for sale, it has been bought and it will be posted again very soon!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Dawn Doll first

I'm very excited to announce the first Dawn Doll is for sale, she's been posted to Here's a little preview of the Dawn Doll store there on etsy.

Dawn dolls on etsy

This moment's been a long time in coming, I'm so happy to have just 1 doll up. I hope to have that long road ahead of me, to create many dolls because this cause is worth every minute of the time, work and dedication.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Valentine

Presenting the first view of the Valentine's Day Dawn Doll. I am so very excited about this one's very special dress!

My Valentine doll

I fell in love with the fabric combination here while experimenting. It's a fun representation of little girls and the excitement Valentine's Day can bring.

I love photography, and while this photo is a quick shot taken tonight, I look forward to taking some photos for etsy with natural light. Tomorrow I will brave the artic temperatures to attempt to take some photos of this adorable doll outdoors.

This doll will be available on (my new store) beginning tomorrow, January 15th after 4pm. This is a limited edition doll, I am only making 4, so if you like them you will have to act fast. Of course I am saying this as a new seller to etsy, so let's hope that nothing goes wrong - we might have some growing pains, we'll see!

I am also working on a new doll tonight which, if all goes well, will be another Valentine doll to be available on etsy this weekend.

Monday, January 5, 2009

The sun has come out

The sun has finally come out and I get to take some real photos of the first Dawn Doll.

first Dawn Doll close-up

As you can see she is wearing a frock of chocolate brown corduroy, beautiful, pink paisley print on the sleeves and trim, pink bows on her shoulders and little black mary janes.

Now I don't recall my friend Dawn wearing something like this, but I thought back and I do remember wearing a ton of corduroy, and for her first showing I thought a little dress would be something special.

I should create her a little pink bucket, as this was a necessity to her. She got sick quite often, even after having a good laugh, usually stirred up by my being silly. I will share some stories along the way. But getting sick was just a part of having Cystic Fibrosis back then, along with many other breathing and medical treatments.

Back to the studio!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Dawn

As 2008 falls behind us, I can't help but think of all of the years gone by. From time to time I try very hard to focus on memories that might otherwise fade as the years have. I try to refresh the best laughs I've had, the beautiful moments, and the bittersweet ones too, as it all is cherished and important to life.

Then the clock strikes 12 and we celebrate the beginning of the New Year, 2009. It is a time of fresh starts, a time for change, and a time for hope. For me it's time to light a little, white candle. One I have kept with me and lit every year in remembrance of my dear friend Dawn. Today would have been her birthday, to me it still is. Her and her brother died of Cystic Fibrosis in 1984. Two rays of sunshine gone when I was only 8.

While many incredible strides have been made towards a cure for Cystic Fibrosis the road is still a long one. I realized a couple of years ago that I was at a point in my life that I was able to donate to the fund. I thought to myself, I want to do something meaningful, something special, something artistic, and from my heart, the very place hurt by the loss of my childhood friend. (I truly believe that if creativity comes from your heart it is 1000x's better, in sentimentality and execution.) The instant I thought that, I realized that it was perfect because Dawn was also such a little artist, always drawing, always being so creative. I don't remember how I came up with the idea for making dolls, but when I did I felt like I'd opened a light inside me. And ever since I've been working to make the best of the idea.

Now I don't think that it was a concious thing that I find myself here, blogging about this and introducing you to my first Dawn Doll, but it all just happened to be today, this day, Dawn's Birthday. So, thank you for being here with me, while I share my sunshine.
Today I am sharing with you, the special birthday of Dawn, and the first of Dawn Dolls. Shortly I will link to a place where you can purchase one, proceeds of course will be donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

Happy New Year!